How to stop welds spawning whenever a part touches another part?


Recently I found out that wedges keep spawning whenever I move a part that touches another part or more of them. This was not happening before, but currently, it’s really annoying.

Does anyone of you have this experience? Is it a plugin that does that?


Please include more detail. I do not know what the problem is.

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Whenever I move/create a brick (that “touches” another brick, for example Baseplate) and I spawn a brick on the baseplate, a Weld spawns in that brick. How to stop that?

You said Wedges in your first post and title, but Welds in your second post.

If you mean welds, turn off Join Surfaces.

This question has been answered more than a few times on the forums, please use the search function for issues like this :slight_smile:


Sorry for that, but yes, this works!

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