How to transfer big amount of data to player from server?

Let’s say I have a big amount of data in tables I need to transfer to player. Will remote events be enough to do that? Let’s say I have 2mb of data in tables. Even if I can do it, is there any better ways? Like to use Module Script somehow?

Can I somehow save data to module script and this data would be replicated to local side? I’ve tried to put a Module Script into Replicated Storage for the hope it’ll replicate anything that was in that Module Script, but it’s not working that way.

In order to do something like this, you would need to make a module script in ServerScriptsService that transfers the data tables to the player. And a RemoteEvent or RemoteFunction could execute this well

So there’s no other ways to do that? Alright, just glad to know remote events work too.

The only way to transfer data across clients and server is remote events/functions.



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