How would i check if the name is not wood[0]

i don’t think loops are necessary since i know the name of it, i just have to know how to make it check its value 0 or not

wouldnt this work? plr.Resources.Wood.value >= 1

get the value of wood byitself and make it <= or >=

i did ~=, lemme try that rn brb

I may be wrong here, but doesn’t value need to be capitalized?

If you added something like a NumberValue into the workspace to hold this data, pretty sure the V needs to be capitalized or it won’t work.

i dont think it matters if its not or is

OH i forgot to check teh output, i accidently added a . before it

local change = game.ReplicatedStorage.Change
local woods = game.ReplicatedStorage.Wood
local wood = change.Wood
local woodp = change.Woodp
local rock = change.Rock
local rockp = change.Rockp
local metal = change.Metal
local metalp = change.Metalp
local glass = change.Glass
local craft = change.Table

	if not (plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Wood ["..plr.Resources.Wood.Value.."]") or plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Wood ["..plr.Resources.Wood.Value.."]") or plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Wood [0]") or plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Wood [0]")) then
		local clone = woods:Clone()
		clone.Parent = plr.Backpack

if plr.Resources.Wood.Value == 0 then
    -- Player has no wood
    -- Player has at least 1 wood.
-- Services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

-- Variables
local change = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Change")
local wood = change.Wood
local woodp = change.Woodp
local rock = change.Rock
local rockp = change.Rockp
local metal = change.Metal
local metalp = change.Metalp
local glass = change.Glass
local craft = change.Table

	if plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Wood ["..plr.Resources.Wood.value.."]") ~= true and plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Wood ["..plr.Resources.Wood.value.."]") ~= true  and plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Wood [0]") ~= true and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Wood [0]") ~= true then
		local clone = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Wood"):Clone()
		clone.Parent = plr.Backpack