How would I compare datastore data?

What is the “Stats” Data ?

It might not be Greater than your Data Store Value

If there is no error message from printing the two variables then I don’t know what’s wrong.

The other possibility though is that if it’s your first time calling Data:GetAsync(v.UserId) for that person, you’re going to return nil and it will error if you try and compare nil and number.

Stats is the current reign in the datastore which is stored in server storage.

It is not the first time because the leaderboard loads my previous data but not the updated data.

Could you try using


Also is the Stats Data a Boolean Value(True or false) or some other Data Type(Number, String Vector3, etc)

hm that might work because everything is set has number values.

No it still does not work, nothing is getting past the if statement.

What Value is stored in “Stats” ? as i said before it might not be greater than the Data Store Value

The data store is called monthlyReignLeaderboard V:1

Ok well what is the Value of “Stats” ?

The value of stats is how long the player was alive before dieing. I do the < so the value would not decrease its best time.

Stats is a built in roblox function try renaming your Variable

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still getting nil even though I changed this.

Are you using “pcall()” correctly ?
it should look something like this

local success, err = pcall(function()
   -- Your stuff here

if not success then

yeah, I alr did this and there’s was no errormessage

could i see your updated version of the script ?
with the pcall’s and stuff added ?

also try using <= if it gets past then you can do some math operations to make it just like this <

local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local Data = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("MonthlyReignLeaderboard V:"..script.Parent.Version.Value)
		local Stats = game.ServerStorage.PlayerData:WaitForChild(v.Name).CurrentReign.Value
		RetrievedData = Data:GetAsync(v.UserId)
			if Stats then
					if Stats >= RetrievedData then
					DataStore:UpdateAsync(v.UserId, function(Value)
						return tonumber(Stats)

I have this in a loop

Oh you are putting the new “pcall()” in the wrong place replace second one with the first then remove the first
then there might be errors in the output

Workspace.MonthlyReignLeaderboard.MonthlyReignLeaderboardScript:67: attempt to compare nil and number

it is saying the data is nil when it should be 7