How would I create a system that picks a random player and make it play a animation between the player and a dummy?

I’m pretty new to coding and I’m trying to make a game similar to the normal elevator. I want to create a floor where a random player will be selected and it’ll play out a fight scene, the only problem is I’m not sure how I’d make it pick a random player and then make it play a animation that syncs up with the dummy. Any help would be appreciated!

It’s not too complicated.

  • First is get the table of the players by game.Players:GetPlayers()
  • Second, run a random function either by math.random() or, you can see how it can be used on the internet.
  • Thirt, get the number you’ve got and get the player in the table.

Here’s an exambple

local plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()
-- I'm using medthod
local RandomNumber = time) -- the seed
RandomNumber:NextInteger(1, #plrs) -- the number of player

local ChosenPlr = plrs[RandomNumber]
-- the rest
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How would I make it teleport the player that was chosen to a certain spot?

Simply add

ChosenPlr.Character.PrimaryPart.Position =, 21, 420) -- replace with position to teleport to

Do you know how I would fix this error with the first part of the script?

Edit: Sorry I forgot to include the full code

Edit 2: Never mind I figured it out after checking some older dev posts

local plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()

local RandomNumber = time) -- the seed
RandomNumber:NextInteger(1, #plrs) -- the number of players

local ChosenPlr = plrs[RandomNumber]

ChosenPlr.Character.PrimaryPart.Position =, -66.75, 104.5) -- teleport position
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