How would I go about forcing a player to climb on a part?

This shouldn’t be too hard but I didn’t see any other forum posts asking and there was no documentation I could find that shows how to do this.
As the title says, all I am trying to do is force a player to climb on a part similar to how you can force players to sit on a seat. Let me know if this is possible or if not, any sketchy work around ideas id also highly appreciate

Maybe teleporting their CFrame into a truss, but I don’t think this would be trustworthy

setting the humanoid state to climbing might work, but idk

humanoidRootPart.CFrame = +, 3, 0)) idk if this will work but maybe if you get the humanoid root part and do this. i think this will only get them on the ladder and the climbing state, but do you mean it actually makes them climb all the way to the top?

I tried using MoveTo with a Touch part to trigger a jump.

It works fairly well.

Here is my test:

JumpOnPart.rbxl (55.0 KB)

Just press play and wait.