How would I go about making specific colors show in the world?

Basically, I want to keep the entire world greyscale, but then have a few colors that will pop with the rest of the world being greyscale.

Just can’t figure out a way to make it work.

Tried to set each part to a grey color, then keep the colored parts the same, but it was a tedious process. I was wondering if there was a way to just make it work

Try using Color correction. and change the saturation.

I did this, but it turns everything greyscale and I don’t want that. I still want some colors to pop.

Have you tried using the :GetChildren or :GetDescendants?

How would I use get children? Like what would I do with it?


for _,parts in pairs(workspace--Your location and add it with :GetChildren) do
   if parts:IsA("BasePart") then
      parts.Color = --YourColor
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How would this help though? I’ve thought of this solution but it wouldn’t work with the greyscale. If I used it with color correction then the saturation would overwrite the color and it wouldn’t show.

Change your terrain default colors to the different shades of grey you like. Then default all the parts in the game to the shades of grey you like, alter characters to greys when they spawn and then anything else you want to have color, give color as needed. @N1njaNooby2 has the right idea as well if you’d like to do it more dynamically. Although there are more than just baseparts that have colors. So you’ll need to check for color3 values as well for textures/decals etc… any instance type that utilizes a color. (brickColors, Color3 values etc)