How would I go about scripting a discord-roblox bot

So recently I was into bits and wanted to make a bot which would act but like verify bots on Roblox, giving you your Roblox name and giving you a group role.

Would I need to use a webhook for this or just generally to find out how to connect discord.js with Roblox?

You can’t revive http requests in Roblox. I tried and failed. You can only send to discord.

What exactly do you mean by this?

If you don’t know a lot about hosting, and you don’t know how to program in Node.js, you can always use a webhook and have your bot pick up information posted by it. However, you would need to utilize HttpService to actually receive information from Discord webhooks in Roblox. Personally, I use a Node express server for getting and posting bans to/from MongoDB with Mongoose. Please keep in mind that this is absolutely not what Discord is meant for, and by doing this you risk webhook deletion along with other possible consequences.

I am curious, would you be kind enough to explain how you achieved this?

Contact me on discord Teefus#0002

I believe that the verification bot “RoVer” is open source on github. Basically you’d be able to run the bot yourself.