How would I go about solving this?

I render oceans via the client with a wave formula. The wave formula has a bunch of variables in it to make the waves stylized. The parameters for the boat are on the server so that it can be rendered on the client and boats in-game can also follow them so everything is synced and looks smooth.

I want to start making storms that make waves bigger and change the parameters. However I have no clue how to make the boat and client render the same variables. I thought about making it based off of distance from the storm but the player and the boat will have different center points and therefore render different things.

If anyone has an idea of how I should go about this I’d be hecka thankful, I’ve been wracking my brain about this and can’t think of a decent solution that wouldn’t desync boats and players.

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Why not send from the server to the client the information?

It already is. All the data is stored on the server and the client reads it. I want to be able to alter these variables based on distance from the storm center, but I don’t know how I’d render this correctly. If I were to render based on the boats position your waves would look radical if you were outside of a storm.

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Can you elaborate?
If you are sending from the server to the client the rendering information, what are you exactly doing on the client? since the server gives the client what to render, they should see the same

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So the default variables for the waves are on the server in the replicatedstorage. However they’re static, they’re not changed. So the boat and the client renders the same thing. However if I wanted to make different wave types, I don’t currently have a way of defining that, and making it work for both the boat and the client rendering.

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So change the variables in replicated storage?

Sorry but, we really don’t know how your system works haha.

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The variables currently are static in the replicated storage. They’re read by the client to render the waves and by the server to render boat movements. But I have no clue how to alter the values to make them differ based on storm positions.

Well me neither, because I don’t know how your system works.

Literally thats it. The values are static currently they don’t change. But I want to make them multiply to grow larger the closer you get to a storm, however theres no way to sync it for boat and client because they have different positions. I can’t really tell the boat the values either because that’d be firing an event every renderstepped or heartbeat. With more boats it’d lag the heck outta the game.