Let’s say you have a list of parts. You iterate trough them and connect the Touched event to an arbitrary function, and you store this connection in another table. since if a connection is stored at least somewhere, lua GC won’t get rid of it
So the question is:
How would i index the part that triggered its event in that arbitrary function?
If it’s confusing, here’s code:
function SomeFunction(hit)
--How do i reference what part triggered this function, in this function?
Functions = {} --this is where we store connections
Parts = {} --any part list
for i = 1, #Parts, 1 do
table.insert(Functions, Parts[i].Touched:Connect(SomeFunction))
That’s the thing… you just don’t know which event triggered, and what part triggered it.
If there was a way to check what event in the list triggered the function, then i could just index the part in the other list from the event’s number.
What you posted here only has 1 part, with it’s function clearly defined. Mine has x ammount. (could be 10 or 20 or idk 382)
It should be the same concept even with X amount of parts.
function SomeFunction(hit,partWithEvent)
--How do i reference what part triggered this function, in this function?
--put another parameter and construct a function with a reference
--to the original part with the touched function
local touchedEvents = {} --this is where we store connections
Parts = {} --any part list
for i = 1, #Parts, 1 do
local currentPart = Parts[i]
local touchedEvent = currentPart.Touched:Connect(function(hitPart)
table.insert(touchedEvents, touchedEvent)