How would I make a Group Ranks team changer?

Good. Game has enough errors alone… I’m trying to work on main errors like… yeah. Thank you!

Did you put the wrong >, that means lower I think. Because I’m not rank 255 I put 255 and it let me on team…

That’s “greater than” I believe

Are you sure you’re not the owner of the group?

image I’m not owner, if I was it would let me edit owner role.

Huh, can you try this and see what outputs back?

--Here, we insert a script inside ServerScriptService to receive the event fired from the client
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

    local Rank = Player:GetRankInGroup(10616859)

    if Player:IsInGroup(10616859) and Rank >= 255 then
        Player.TeamColor ="Storm blue") 

Can you also confirm that you’re entering the correct group ID?

Okay, I’ll try it out later… Thank you.