How would I make a private server for my game?

My game is this.

As players go down they get a high score.

The problem is that players with a high score higher than 30000 last longer than players with scores of under 6000. This leads to players getting bored of waiting for the high score players.

What I want is to make it so the high score players get sent to servers with other high score players.

The issue is that this should happen across ALL servers.

What you’re trying to do, I feel like would complicate the process even more. Why don’t you set a maximum time? If players with high scores go past that maximum time, it kills them but saves their score so that when the game starts again, they start and continue from the score they left off from.

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using roblox places system you can make a place in your game and you can name it like “High Ranked Server” “Pro Server” etc and you can make it so that if you get a high average score you get tped to a higher level server

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