How would I make a SCPF?

I would like to make a SCPF, but I have no idea how it looks like. Can I have some ideas on some, or how I could get textures. (I have no idea how to create textures)

Any comments would be great!


Add a card door, most games have it.

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What about the walls, what the door looks like?

Iron doors with an scp logo on them

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What about the walls? And also, how would I script the keycard door I have

if hit.Parent.Name == “Keycard” then
(That’s all I got) (I’m not to good at CFrame)

You will need a mix of scripting and building skills, at least if you’re a solo developer. If you will do SCPs (made by you, not taken from the ToolBox), then you’ll also need to be able to rig custom models and animate them.

What about the walls? And also, how would I script the keycard door I have script.Parent.touched:Connect(function(hit()
if hit.Parent.Name == “Keycard” then
(That’s all I got) (I’m not to good at CFrame)

For this yeah, you can use .Touched to detect the hit from a keycard. To animate the door (make it swipe), you can use TweenService. You will also need to setup a small permissions system based on the keycard type. You can do this by putting an IntValue into all the keycards type and give a value to them that will represent the level (the higher the value is, the higher the level is), then everytime the player tries to open the door, check if the keycard’s level value is higher or lower than the required level value.

You will also need weapons for higher ranks (MTF or NTF), and script them to deal damage to lower ranks only (Class-Ds or whatever you want).

These are just some tips to create your brand new SCPF game. If you need any other tip, just ask me. If you don’t know how to do something that I said in this answer, search a tutorial on YT or here on the forum. There are plenty of guides/tutorials, and I’m sure you can find them all. Good luck!


This is what I got.
if hit.Parent.Name == “Keycard” then
local goal = {}
goal.Position = door.Position +,6,0)
local Info =
local tween = TweenService:Create(door, info, goal)

local goal = {}
goal.Position = door.Position +,0,0)
local Info =
local tween = TweenService:Create(door, info, goal)

Would this script work?


Please message me on discord : LIZOT#0001 . I am owner of one SCP and I could help you with some stuff like to how to get some of them, what walls you could make, etc.

Great to hear you want to start an SCPF group!
The best advice I can offer you when you are trying to start a new group within the SCPF genre:

1. Start off by getting a rough idea of what you want to achieve with your first or perhaps your new foundation, is it lore-based? How much money are you willing to invest in your group? Do you have any original ideas you might be able to implement? Do any people come to mind that would be willing to help you?

2. Once you have an idea where to start your group, you can start by making a ROBLOX group and some sort of your group members to stay in touch Discord, etc..

  1. It is highly recommended that you start with the following major departments/divisions, you can always make more later if your group becomes more stable:
  • Security Division
  • Scientific Department
  • Medical Department
  • Mobile Task Force(s)

3. Now that you have your group and communications set up, start by doing the following:

  • Hire someone you can trust as your right hand or perhaps overseer of the O5 council if that’s what you are going for.

  • Hire any developers, if you feel confident enough in your own development skills then you can develop your first site on your own, but it is highly recommended that you hire a programmer or builder to help you make your very first group game.

  • Get a few people you trust together to run your first departments/divisions for you

4. If you have followed my advice so far, you should have someone helping you command and/or someone to help you develop on your first group game. If so, congratulations! You are almost finished with starting off your every own SCPF group.

5. Set up your site, this is the hardest step of the process but the most rewarding one at that. Your site doesn’t have to be big to start off with, you just need somewhere for your personnel to operate on.

When developing your first game, refrain from:

  • Using copied/ leaked assets from other SCPF groups or anywhere else
  • Getting scammed/hiring bad staff, hire a trusted developer which you are sure that won’t betray you later or destroy your game, or even worse, abuse the group admin.

If you want to make a site look and feel good, you can start by building the Class-D cells first and then extend outwards or start with your first sector/quadrant/etc. and then work your way inwards to create a nice feel in your site.

6. For your texture problem, try to site “CC0 Textures”, they have great free-to-use textures which will add a lot of great detail to your game.

7. If you are wondering how to best make a door system, you can use keycard models and use a .Touched event with keycard scanners or use some sort of “E to interact” system using UserInputService.

8. In terms of SCPs, I recommend you start with some simple ones that you can script such as 035, 999, etc. Make sure they are within your scope as a programmer so you don’t spend too long on each SCP.

9. The best way to make a game feel like to belongs to the SCPF genre is to immerse the player within the environment using methods such as ambiences, building, lighting and so forth.

10. If you have any questions regarding how you can best script your assets or need help with anything regarding the SCPF genre, feel free to send a message to me, SyntaxDefinition#1493 on Discord.

Good luck with your group! :wave:


I see a lot of SCPFs and not many of them are that different from one another.

You don’t need a big site with all the well known SCPs to succeed, what you could do is make a small site with advanced technology only using 2-3 smaller known SCPs that you made/found from the wiki.

A good example of this is the Nova Corporation, a 200k member SCPF that made it’s own semi-universe and it’s actually pretty fun to play.


You don’t have to stick with the usual looks and lore at all costs, more creativity and originality will pay off way more when it comes to genres such as SCPF.


Thanks, I feel dumb now because my stupid self tried doing everything by myself (im poor and cant hire any devs but i can script some SCP’s like 035)

Also a question, Is it okay if I start over with my project? I didn’t make anything cool in the first place

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i have so many questions to ask but idk if they are too obvious