How would I manage knockback in a combo-able way?

I have made knockback before. Upon the server detecting the hit, it would put a BodyVelocity in the character’s HumanoidRootPart. I have come to notice, though, that physics applied on a Player will be calculated in their client.
This gives me problems however, as I wanted to do a combo system as the one in the gif below:
Even if I did not make the combos this way, stuff such as knockback would be hard to handle.
This being said, I was wondering if there are any ways I could bypass this restriction, or get a similar effect.

You can make a knockback animation and play it when the combo reaches the stage of knockbacking someone.


Hi, thank you for the input,
That could really work, if I still wanted something around the likes of actually knockbacking I’m guessing I would still have to rely off it.
Also wouldn’t that mean I would have to do a different hit animation for each attack?