How's this icon?

I made an icon for my game studio, arbitrary games. I’m not a graphics artist but I decided to try making an icon myself.

Arbitrary games

How can I improve it?

Arbitrary games


It seems… garish. The yellow seems very prevalent and is a very strong shade, but not full on yellow. It’s more of a honey-mustard. Nevertheless, it should be toned down. The way that the blue fades into yellow seems pretty strange. I’d like it more if the blue squares were complete. Also, the blue should be toned down. Other than that, good job.

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Arbitrary games

Not sure if this is any better, should I tone it down more?

I think I might like it better when the squares fade out… I dunno.


It’s very “Simple” it’s just yellow and blue.

I like the 8-bit font but the squares could have a fade effect to it. Also I think the colors are to bright.

Keep up with your work tho. :+1:

Edit: I just saw the new image and it looks better I guess. But like add the squares around the text.

I’d like it more if the yellow was less bright. Better job though. Also, what software are you using?

I’m using adobe XD. Do you have any recommendations for software I should be using?