Humanoid:MoveTo() Not working for AI?

Basically I am trying to get this to move by its self using :MoveTo().

The script I used to make it rotate it self on the mountain. (Local script placed in StarterCharacterScripts)

The script I’m using to Move the character around. (Regular Script)

Does anyone know what my problem could be?

The Humanoid is an item within the player’s model. You’d probably need to move the player’s character instead of moving the Humanoid, since :MoveTo() works only on models.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local plr = Players.LocalPlayer
local charac = plr.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()


Above is an example, try that out. @ScriptingVoid

Can you provide your scripts through this instead?

-- Provide your code here!

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As well :MoveTo() will instantaneously move the part or figure you are trying to move. To do have something move towards something slowly, you would need to do a Tween on a part. If it is a model then it will be a little tough. (Some API below if you were interested.)

I have a similar problem.
I literally just made a post today 'bout this: Humanoid moving in every case except when called from pathfinding. Help?

Would like some help too.