Howdy, I’m working on a Character Customizer which I have gotten almost everything done via HumanoidDescription but there appears to be a Roblox sided error with the HumanoidDescription:GetAccessories() function.
The function should return a table of all the Accessories currently equipped on a HumanoidDescription, however it returns as nil or with no values in the table, even though I can look in the Description and see all the Accessories spread throughout several mini-lists. I would prefer to not have to work around a roblox bug with lengthy code revisions, so if this can be bumped over to a Roblox dev to get fixed or if there’s an alternate way, that’d be cool
Here’s an example of what I mean, I’ll grab the HumanoidDescription of my Avatar and then attempt to get the accessories off of it, but the Output will print nothing. (There’s no differences if done either via a Script or LocalScript)
local desc = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(898368478)
for index, value in next, desc:GetAccessories(true) do
Thanks in advance for any help, the most I seen about this was a user talking about how this exact function would break from an update that released in spring so gg