I want to clean my favorites and after 5 or so favorites it stops letting me unfavorite stuff for 5 minutes please i have 7 pages of favorites
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I have the same issue! I guess roblox is taking precaution for something. I spent 1,5 hour for deleting 2 page of favs. Why don’t you take support from Roblox? Roblox already have to help us when we use roblox support so take support for it. It’s an unpopular issue so maybe a few people can try to help you. Let’s hope a wise person help your issue. Just classic Roblox issues but it drives us crazy. And why you want to delete them, for example I delete them for fun(bruh I’m so dumb)
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I’d assume the favorites are ratelimited, meaning you can only unfavorite a few every certain amount of time.