I don't know if team create is bugged or not but

I’ve been trying to allow a collab between me and a friend that I’ve known on discord for awhile now, and even though I clearly have him in team create, for some reason even though he has edit priveleges, the overall UI display of editing tools does not show up for him.
Here’s the screenshot of the issue (all that my friend is seeing):

I can’t always be sure if something is a bug or not, but if it isn’t I’d like to have help troubleshoot the problem as I have already tried myself.

Are you using a plugin to make the UI? if so he wouldn’t be able to use to the same tools as you unless he also had the plugin installed in his studio.

I’m trying to understand, but do you mean the in-game GUI that I’ve created specifically for the game? You’re saying that prevents him from editing because there’s properties in studio that is not compatable on his side due to him not having the specific plugins that made/assisted in the development of that GUI?

The issue I have here is not the in game GUIs themselves but the entire studio itself. It’s simply not loading for him. I need to know how to fix this; the only thing that is loading is the actual workspace camera view itself. Everything else is hidden for some reason and I cannot pinpoint why it’s happening. Again, if you look at the screenshot, you can see that nothing but that is showing up.

It makes sense if they are images or assets you have uploaded to Roblox. Others cannot see it until it is moderated. Wait a bit, and once it is moderated, you should be able to see it, unless it is disapproved.

That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the studio’s tools itself are not accessible. Again, the screenshot clearly tells this.

It looks like he’s got some messed up studio settings. Just have him re-install and give it a go again.