I have a problem with httpservice

I have a TextBox that sends his Text to a discord webhook
and for some reason I get this error and the message has not sent:

here is the server script :

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local webhodURL = nil

function SendMessage(msg)
	local data = {
		["content"] = msg
	data = httpService:JSONEncode(data)
	httpService:PostAsync(webhodURL, data)

game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, text)

but the wierd thing that it sends the message normally when I test the game in the studio:
here is the error:

this error came when i was playing the game from the website not the studio

Discord doesn’t allow you to make webhook requests from Roblox. You also posted your webhook URL so you should edit that out.

you should definitely use a proxy since discord doesnt allow you to make webhook requests from roblox

is there any way i could fix it?

you. need. to. use. a. proxy. in order to send a webhook

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