I may have a backdoor can someone help?

In the command bar of my game, this showed

local button = plugin:CreateToolbar(“oreoollie”):CreateButton(“rm rosync”, “Removes RoSync virus.”, “rbxassetid://4826065214”)

game:GetService(“ChangeHistoryService”):SetWaypoint(“remove RoSync”)

local totalFixed = 0
for _, v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
	local s, e = pcall(game.IsA, v, "BaseScript")
	if not (s and e) then continue end

	local occurrences		
	v.Source, occurrences = string.gsub(v.Source, "%s%-%-%[%[ Last synced.+", "")
	totalFixed += math.clamp(occurrences, 0, 1)

warn("Fixed", totalFixed, "RoSync infected scripts")


I did not do this, me and a scripter were together. I know the scripter for awhile he has been helping me with the game for a few months. Why is this here?

Also I dont have any virus plugin as I only use moon editor and that is for animation editing.

Please help me, and tell me if this is a backdoor or not

Didn’t you already make a thread about this?


This is a pretty known backdoor that has been talked about A LOT. It comes from malicious plugins made by users/groups called something along the lines of “PluginCreator”. Most likely, your friend had a malicious plugin that infected your scripts. I had to go through all my scripts on by one, searching for “Rosync”, and all my plugins, searching for suspicious creators to get the backdoors out. Good luck!

This is quite a well-known virus known as “RoSync”. It is usually from malicious plugins. I had no idea that this was in my game until my developer @DecodedMint informed me about it. She said that apparently, it can reverse the letters, R, E, Q, U, I, R, and E using string.fev. Guess what that spells? Require. If HTTP Requests are turned on, the virus can be implemented into your game.

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