I need help with this spell script

Hello, I’ve been trying o figure out what is the problem with this script but I do not understand what’s going on here. Normal the player should cast a spell like this:

Instead of the black parts damaging the NPC which has a humanoid it does nothing instead. Heres the script:

local tweenservice = game:GetService("TweenService") 

game.ReplicatedStorage["Incantations [EVENTS]"]:WaitForChild("VacuusEvent").OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player)	
	local Vacuus = game.ReplicatedStorage["Incantations [PARTS]"].VacuusPart:Clone()
	Vacuus.Parent = workspace 
	Vacuus.CFrame = Player.Character["Right Arm"].CFrame + Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 1
	tweenservice:Create(Vacuus,TweenInfo.new(1,0,0),{CFrame = Player.Character["Right Arm"].CFrame + Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 20,Transparency = 1}, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut):Play()

	local alreadytouched = false 
		if alreadytouched == true then return end 
		if hit.Parent.Name == Player.Name then return end 
		if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then 
			hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 1
	alreadytouched = true 

The promblem lies around here:

	local alreadytouched = false 
		if alreadytouched == true then return end 
		if hit.Parent.Name == Player.Name then return end 
		if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then 
			hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 1
	alreadytouched = true 

Please help!


Anchored parts won’t detect collision.
Try adding gettouchingparts function :slight_smile:

I need to that type of event, how is that done ?

It is a function, which gives (returns) you an array of instances, but you need to create a touch event, which creates a Touchinterest.
Then you can use local TouchingObjects = Part:GetTouchingParts() function

well I’ve done that and it doesn’t seem to be working. Thank yo either ways

You need to iterate through a table to get the object, smh.

Anchored parts do detect collision? Otherwise killbricks in every single obby wouldn’t work.

Edit: :star2: ASCENDED UNDERSTANDING :star2:
You probably mean it’s because the other parts aren’t moving, because it only detects physics collisions. They do detect collision though, but only if the other parts are unanchored. That’s why obby killbricks work.

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It’s probably because it’s not moving with physics. Yes, anchored parts do detect collisions with UNANCHORED parts, but the dummies seem to not be moving.

Try moving it with forces, velocity, or constraints. Then it will probably work.

Just some code recommendations:
Replace Hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Heath - 1 with hit.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(1). This is forcefield friendly, and might prevent spawnkilling.

Replace hit.Parent.Name == Player.Name with game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) == Player. This is friendly with errors.

Thank you for the code recommendations. unfortunately it wasn’t able to fix my problem. thank you for taking time out of your day to help.

local alreadytouched = false -- You set this value to false 
		if alreadytouched == true then return end  -- Since you instantly set alreadytouched to true-> the below doesn't run
		if hit.Parent.Name == Player.Name then return end 
		if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then 
			hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 1
	alreadytouched = true -- The above connection does not yield so this line instantly runs next setting the alreadytouched to true

The issue is you are instantly setting “alreadytouched” to false right after you create the touch connection. I also advise you don’t create touch connections within other connections (unless you plan on disconnecting them).

Honestly, I would prob just destroy the part inside the touch connection instead of using a bool value:

	if hit.Parent.Name == Player.Name then 
	if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then 
		hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health - 1
		Vacuus:Destroy(); -- Calling the destroy function disconnects the touch connection and removes the part!

This unfortunately doesn’t work. does this have to do something with the script being placed in the starterpack ?: