I have this idea that the longer a player stays in game the more “insane” they become.
I want to turn it into a simple horror game but I’m not sure where I can start. The idea is that when a player has reached a certain amount of time in game their screen becomes red and blurry and they hear their heartbeat, and they begin to see things until they eventually die and get kicked from the game
I was thinking something like
local num = 0
while true do
num = num + 1
if num >= 100 then
--do stuff
I’m not sure if that’s a good place because I have no idea what that script does but I’d recommend starting with the story, then scripting, then building.
It sounds great and all, but as @xander5610 said, I heavily recommend focus on building the story first. You would need to figure out why the player is going “insane”, where the player is, is the player in danger, and et cetera. A good mechanic also needs good context.
Agreed completely. Start with your story. You want to have a reason why this person is going insane. Maybe like an ancient object that a god created that makes people around it go insane or a monster who’s eyes drive you crazy. Basically, you just want to make sure there is a reason for everything. I think your script looks good though! I appreciate psychological horror and there aren’t too many horror games that play on this. Good luck!
u must use `while wait() do
–wait(1) 1 is an example just every 1 sec. or just add wait() to your while true do so it wont crash. So its
local num = 0
while true do
num = num + 1
if num >= 100 then