I was rewriting my placement system and I ran into an error

					local MouseRay = Mouse.UnitRay
					local CastRay = Ray.new(MouseRay.Origin, MouseRay.Direction * 1000)
					local IgnoreList = {ClientObject, Character}
					local Hit, Position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(CastRay, IgnoreList)
					---ClientObject.PrimaryPart.Position() -- Attempt to call User Data Value, Fix Later
					if Hit and (HumRoot.Position).Magnitude < MaxPlaceDist then
						CanPlace = true
						CanPlace = false
					local Angles = CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(YOr), 0)
					local NewCFrame = CFrame.new(Position.X, Position.Y + YOffset, Position.Z)
					if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then
						RKeyDown = true
						local RotationSpeed =5
						while RKeyDown == true do
							if Placing == true then
								YOr = YOr + RotationSpeed

I tried to add waits, I made sure there was a primary part to the model. IT works fine up until this point and beyond. The error its running is 00:34:01.643 - Model:SetPrimaryCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart has been set, or the PrimaryPart no longer exists. Please set Model.PrimaryPart before using this.

00:34:01.644 - Stack Begin

00:34:01.644 - Script ‘Players.samjay22.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.ClientPlacment1’, Line 50

00:34:01.645 - Stack End

00:34:01.660 - Model:SetPrimaryCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart has been set, or the PrimaryPart no longer exists. Please set Model.PrimaryPart before using this.
And its spamming my logs. I dont know how to fix this, i spent a while looking for this error to no avail. Please help.

Judging by the errors, it just sounds like you haven’t set a primary part yet.

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Are you placing Models or Parts/Unions?

I fixed it. I had to disc the RenderStepped