Ideas to hide pets of other players?

Hi! as the title says, any idea how to hide them? I know that Transparency 1 won’t reduce lag so I tried putting parent ReplicatedStorage and back to workspace but it don’t work so I don’t know what else to do.
Thank youu

when equiped just make them equip locally if posible and make the scripts for the pets enable on the server

Well after 4 years Im looking for this feature again, hide other players pets, lets see what I come up with…

  • Just Deleting them wont work bc there is no way to get them back.

  • Transparency 1 for all baseparts , might work but u have to save the original transparency of each, i like do it in sv script while equipping the pet , using SetAttribute… but the pets still may have particles , again use the SetAttribute() to save the default particle enabled-disabled… and in a local code detect when a pet is added to a player to instaset it to transparency = 1

  • Thought bout other ways but ill do the 2th

Maybe make a “pocket” in the backpack and use that folder as storage.