Hi there, I am trying to make a sell button where it detects all the items inside of a certain model. Problem is, if it detects more than 1 “chest” then it returns the chest’s value as 0. It functions correctly if there is only 1 chest inside of the model. I would like it to give the player the amount of money that each chest is worth when it detects several of them inside of the model.
The chests are located inside of the WeldedPart brick in the models (They are welded and parented to WeldedPart when a player interacts with a ProximityPrompt):
print("Triggered button")
local plrStats = PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local boat = workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."'s Boat")
if boat then
local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(boat.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position)
print("Boat exists")
if distance <= 30 then
local findChests = boat:GetDescendants()
for _, chest in pairs(findChests) do
if chest.Name == "Price" then -- Price is a NumberValue inside of the chest model. The chest model is parented to a brick inside of the boat and I couldn't figure out how to make GetChildren() work with the given path
button.Enabled = true
plrStats.Value += math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier)
print("$"..math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier))
button.Enabled = false
I would also be open to critique about my coding; I am quite new to it
Hey! The photo I used in the OP was just a screenshot of the explorer without the game running - here is what the path would look like if the player put a chest on their boat:
where “Wooden Lockbox” is the chest model and “WeldedPart” is the brick where a chest would be located, assuming the player has put a chest on the boat. There are several different chest types.
tempMultiplier is a random value being anywhere from 0.6 to 2 - this changes every 10 minutes chest.Value is also a random value depending on the type of chest being sold, however the value ranges from 250 - 8000. I am defining chest.Value in another script when the chest spawns:
local t1Chest = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Rickety Chest")
local chest = t1Chest:Clone()
chest.Price.Value = math.random(250, 500)
I have confirmed this works as the value of the NumberValue located inside of each chest model is correct when the item spawns and if the player only has 1 chest on their boat (as opposed to several), the script posted in OP works as intended.
print("Triggered button")
local plrStats = PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
local boat = workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."'s Boat")
if not PlrStats or not boat then return end
local distance = player:DistanceFromCharacter(boat.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position)
if distance > 30 then return end
for _, chest in boat:GetDescendants() do
if chest.Name ~= "Price" then continue end -- Price is a NumberValue inside of the chest model. The chest model is parented to a brick inside of the boat and I couldn't figure out how to make GetChildren() work with the given path
if not chest:IsA("IntValue") and not chest:IsA("NumberValue") then return end -- Didn't know which one you use
if chest.Value <= 0 then warn("Chest value is invalid",chest.value) return end
--button.Enabled = true -- ?
plrStats.Value += math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier)
print("$"..math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier))
--button.Enabled = false -- ?
-- My Note: Why do you change Button.Enabled by distance? If you use Roblox's inbuilt Prompt, then you can set the settings to when it should be visible, within that prompt. You then check on the server, if they're able to "sell" or whatever you do with the loot.
Let me know the result, it might not have fixed anything as of yet.
I’ve messed around a bunch and for some reason print("$"..math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier)) this line is making the value 0?
If I comment out the print line the script works exactly as intended… Weird
local tempMultiplier = game.Workspace["Island 1"].Multiplier.Value
I assume it’s because you try to do math.random(0.6,2) this cannot work, since math.random only takes whole numbers, instead you should define the random tempMultiplier as:
I am one step ahead of you there! I have the multiplier being set like this: island1.Multiplier.Value = math.random(6,20)/10
I didn’t need the extra decimal so I only opted for dividing by 10, would that be causing the issue anyway?
I’ve made your changes and now it’s not working at all again! (I reverted the changes too and it stopped working anyway, so it’s being very random)
It is printing the value of the chest correctly before doing any of the calculations, but then the calculatedValue is $0…
for _, chest in boat:GetDescendants() do
if chest.Name ~= "Price" then continue end
if not chest:IsA("NumberValue") then return end
if chest.Value <= 0 then warn("Chest value is invalid",chest.value) return end
local calculatedValue = math.floor(chest.Value * tempMultiplier)
plrStats.Value += calculatedValue
edit: I think it’s got something to do with the tempMultiplier… will do some further testing
So it stops looking through boat.Descendants once it finds the NumberValue? Makes a lot of sense. I will keep that in mind!
I also figured out the issue. The script was not updating the value of tempMultiplier - it defaults to 0 in Workspace and I have it updating through a script in ServerScriptService.
I just made it update tempMultiplier whenever you’re in range now.
local tempMultiplier = 0
if distance > 30 then return end
tempMultiplier = game.Workspace["Island 1"].Multiplier.Value
for _, chest in boat:GetDescendants() do
if chest.Name ~= "Price" then continue end
if not chest:IsA("NumberValue") then continue end
if chest.Value <= 0 then warn("Chest value is invalid",chest.value) continue end
print("Chest value is:"..chest.Value)
print("Multiplier value is:"..tempMultiplier)
print("Total value is:"..chest.Value * tempMultiplier)
local calculatedValue = math.floor(chest.Value)
plrStats.Value += calculatedValue