Implement a 30 second cooldown for network disconnects

Currently, you are instantly kicked as soon as your network changes, rather than the server waiting for you to regain connectivity. This is problematic if your internet decides to cut out intermittently for 2 seconds.

My proposed idea would be a 30 second cool down, or a developer-set time period that could go up to 120 seconds and as low as 0 seconds, and would then perform the current behavior of kicking the player and making them reconnect after the timer is up.


The problem with increasing the time taken for network disconnects is a problem that was faced by many games when players weren’t instantly kicked for losing connection; being able to still interact with the game while “disconnected”, and then reconnecting back and having all of your actions being received and executed all at once by the server. This was abused by players in combat games especially, where they would momentarily disconnect and damage other players, and then regain connection, which on the other player’s clients seemed like an instant death out of nowhere.

I do agree that a variable time would be better suited as it’s quite annoying to lose connection immediately as a result of sometimes unreliable internet, especially in games where the issue outlined above is not a major problem.


I think freezing the player’s game and having a message that says “Network error - attempting to regain connectivity, closing in 30 seconds” would be a good thing to prevent players from abusing the network cooldown


Wouldn’t this happen as well for a short lag spike?
If I’m playing a game and have some unstable internet myself, I’d rather not be reminded of it every second where a short “Network error” appears on my screen, then freezes my game, every time I have a small lag spike.

Not good for the player base, as they will get sick of it and stop playing. Game play should be seamless and interrupting like that isn’t in anyone’s benefit.

I believe ROBLOX’s timer is set at 9-10 seconds by default and then afterwards disconnects the player. (Correct me if I’m wrong)

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I don’t think Roblox even has a timer.

Lag spikes also don’t cause disconnects - it only disconnects you if the client detects your computer isn’t connected to the internet.

There have been times where I have around 10,000 ping during storms. Even for 40 seconds, I didn’t get booted from the game.

This would only happen if it detects your game is disconnected from the internet - not high ping.

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