In serious need of feedback!

Yo! I’m AlexRBLXPlayer, and I’m pretty new to the DevForums, but that isn’t really the point here, I am in need of feedback, as I’ve been working on this game recently called “The A.R.P. City”. I am in serious need of feedback, the game is not done yet, but it already has 2 dislikes, and as a new developer, I want to make my games as enjoyable as possible for the community. Please, if anyone has any suggestions on what I should add or remove, please tell me! All the feedback would be very appreciated.

Here are a few screenshots of the game, and the link if you want to check it out:



Also, I’d like to mention that the game has a day/night cycle feature, so if you have the patience to stay a while and see the music change and lights close, feel free to do it! :smiley:

Thanks for reading, and I look forward for your feedback!



This looks really good. I think this has a lot of potential, especially if you keep working on it.



What style of build are you going for? What is the purpose of the game?

These are important questions that need to be answered before I can give advice.


Your game does not have purpose or value currently… I played for a couple minutes but it’s like a fever dream. The music is awful and there are cogs and whatnot for some reason. Thats not a welcoming sight into a city. You should change buildings and make the city look like it has some character. The street lights are a little bit too chunky and theres not enough life to the city. Add manholes, vegetation, buildings, scenery etc. your game doesnt have enough to be properly judged

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I’m going for some type of like factory-city/steampunk i guess. the game isn’t anywhere near done, but yeah… I’m really just going for some sort of polluted city

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Alright! Thanks a lot for the feedback! I’ll definitely put all of that to mind.


Are you going for high detail?

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I feel like the music doesn’t fit the theme you’re going for, maybe if it where a bit slower. Also rain effects would be really cool too.

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Tone down the neon here as it’s too hard to read at the moment. You can do this by adjusting the transparency.

I would make the ceilings higher here because it seems a bit too short at the moment and doesn’t give enough space to feel comfortable.

If you can use, use terrain water with a very low transparency to make it a bit more realistic.

For the pavement/road I’d probably go for something more like this. You can incorporate textures to make a better looking pavement and wall than the default roblox ones. There should also be less streetlights.

(Note: the streelights are a free model to show a concept)

For the fountain I’d probably go for something a bit more like this,

For the metal areas, why not use something like this instead?

Good luck!


Wow, thanks a bunch! I’m not sure what I’d be able to do about the fountain, but Thanks a bunch for the idea’s tho. I’ll definitely put them to use.

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No problem. Your game has promise, so keep at it!


I would suggest you to add a lot more details at the buildings (not talking of slushie shop, for your information). Also lighting should be better as it is dark above. Make use of beams for street lights.

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