Incorrect Joint positions when character changes Appearance

I made a script that changes a character’s appearance using Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(). The base character was animated in Robloxian 2.0, and when I change the character with a package that’s not 2.0, the joints get messed up when the animation is applied to the character.

Screen Shot 2021-04-25 at 6.07.59 PM

Is there a way that I can fix this?

I tend to have this problem when I use the load avatar plugin in RBX studio it does it with my head and it decides to just spawn it with my head to the right a stud and turned around. I have no clue with this happens so there for I do not have the awanser to your question but I’m sure someone does.

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I dont get the problem while putting a animation script on the avatar I just tend to get it on spawning it.

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