Inserting multiple tools should show name of Individual Tool(s)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to determine a tools’ name whenever inserting into studio.

Currently, inserting multiple tools like this model here isn’t easy when I don’t know the name of the particular tool that is being inserted, allowing developers or Insert Tool prompt to show the name of the tool would improve my workflow to know what tool is being inserted to studio:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I can determine what to insert to StarterPack or Workspace inside my game.


How common is it to insert tools from Toolbox into the starter pack vs Workspace? This modal seems disruptive, especially with multiple tools, so maybe we can make it even easier to use by just always parenting to a sensible default and then giving control to the developer to manipulate their parents however they’d like. We could adjust the modals as well, but we would unlikely be able to provide anything that had the same level of control as having access to the explorer/workspace via a modal dialog.


Common to insert to StarterPack as I never insert my tools into Workspace if I need to test up picking or viewing the Mesh itself.

Seems reasonable to do, having the default parenting (StarterPack) would help me out or other developers for inserting tools w/out the modal shown + setting with ease of where to parent to. :thinking:

Would help me out as I don’t want to insert tools or an option for Workspace or StarterPack in-general.