Instance Tagging is now enabled (plus some extras)

Instance tagging is really helpful and should be used in places where it can.

A game I develop utilizes a system where players are able to pick up an object and click the pedestal again to place it back.

To check for when the tool is gone, I have to write long lines of code to accommodate for when the player leaves, health reaches zero or does something else with the tool. Now all I need to do is add a tag and it does everything for me - when the tool is removed from the player’s character via death, removal or leaving, it automatically tells me “instance is gone” and then I can run my functions again to replace it.

(sorry if that was confusing ^ I wrote this while the sky was dark if you know what I mean intensive winking)

Point in case; I love this thing.

To reiterate my reaction, read my earlier post.


Builders do this:

Scripters write this:

local CS = game:GetService("CollectionService")

local function Added(part)
	if not part:IsA("BasePart") then return end
		p:BreakJoints() -- Just a demo

for k,v in pairs(CS:GetTagged("Kill")) do Added(v) end

This happens:

Builders just have to use the convenient Studio UI (in this case still the plugin) to add a tag to the part. They don’t need to code, add StringValues named “Kill” or parent the part to Workspace.Kill, they just need to add the Kill tag and bam.

Scripters don’t have to scan through the whole workspace (and listen to DescendantAdded) looking for parts in Workspace.Kill or parts with a StringValue named “Kill” inside or whatever. They just need to use the convenient tag API.


Do the tags only replicate when the instance is fully replicated? This happened in Start Server with 2 players:

(assume Server is just CollectionService on the Server. idem for Player1/Player2)

Server:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill
Player1:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill
Player2:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill


Server:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Server
Player1:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Player1
Player2:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Player2

-- Server
workspace.Part.Parent = game.ServerStorage
workspace.Part.Parent = workspace

Server:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Server, Replicated?
Player1:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Server, Replicated?
Player2:GetTags(workspace.Part) --> Kill, Server, Replicated?

Seems like they only replicate when the instance fully replicates, not when altered after that. Similar to (the children of) Terrain (unless that changed). I don’t expect Client2Server with FE, but at least Server2Client. (I tested this with FE false, as that’s apparently the default when I create a new place, and didn’t check until after the test)

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Yeah, this is a currently known bug:

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Good point. However, I don’t think there is a need for this API. One can just grab the collection and pass it into the whitelist / blacklist as is (Use the version with IgnoreList). You shouldn’t have to be parenting things right now anyway.


Completely missed the api that retrieves all parts belonging to a tag. Thanks for pointing that out.

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This actually seems very useful, look forward to using it at some point.

The fix for the replication issues is now live. Tags should replicate properly both in team create and in live games.


Has anyone done performance testing between WhichIsA and OfClass for these API calls?

I’d assume OfClass would be faster as it doesn’t have to check for inheritance.

Yeah, WhichIsA is usually about 5x slower than OfClass


Maybe they should cache those results :thinking:

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We’re talking about 2.5 µs versus 0.50 µs per call, so there’s probably bigger fish to fry.


Setting the aspect ratio of grid cells was just what we needed, thanks. :slight_smile:

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