Interpolating sphere colours with... more spheres!

My friend was experimenting and found out that you can make a nice fancy effect by placing spheres of different colours inside of themselves. It looks really cool, in my opinion. Look:

In my opinion it looks brilliant and can make for some nice effects for objects (eg multi coloured atmospheres on planets)

Looks like a neat-o lens flare.
Can you replicate that effect with GUIs?

Possibly. The increments that he used for part size and their transparency are this:

Transparency: 0.95
Increment: 0.01

Hopefully this is easily replicatable…

[quote] Possibly. The increments that he used for part size and their transparency are this:

Transparency: 0.95
Increment: 0.01

Hopefully this is easily replicatable… [/quote]

He incremented Size? SpecialMesh pls. Scale pls.