Interview Center suggestion help

I need help figuring out how should I decorate the interior of the interview center. I had decided to copy the look of the stair from a source, but now with those stairs, it had became harder to figure out how to decorate the look. Here is the interview center so far:


I know it looks plain, so I don’t know what to put nor do I know how to create a look following this list:

  • I cannot change the interview rooms too much.
  • I cannot redo the stairs.
  • The whole design has to be modern.

I have no idea how to use blender, nor want to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out now while I work on the interview center (I intend to learn later).

I also want to know what I can do to improve the interview center. I plan to use it as part of a very unique hotel group.


Maybe you could put in some modern paintings or low poly plants made just by negating and experiment with different colours to make the atmosphere less bland. It does look decent though considering you didn’t use any meshes.

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I would suggest turning “Cast Shadow” off. It is a property inside parts, unions. By turning off Cast Shadow the lighting becomes more even. In some of your photos the lighting looks too dark and too bright in some places so I highly recommend this. Play around with it and I think you will find good results. :wink: