iRexBot's Trello API [Update 1.2]

This will show you how to use my Trello API and have a documentation for it here.

The API is written in Canadian. So Color would be Colour. I might add an American translated version
Due to school I cannot currently update the API. Feel free to modify the API to all you like.


iRexBot’s API is made for people who know how to script already and are experienced in it. If you don’t know to script or are not good at scripting I don’t wanna be rude but don’t use this API. Well, I don’t recommend you use this API.

First to start off get the API here.
Place it in ServerScriptService and it’s highly unrecommended that we allow the client to ever touch the API.

Get your token and key

My API will require you to have a token and a key.
How to get the app-key:
Go to this link and copy your app-key. Now go to Settings that is in the API

The reason why you need an app-key is because Trello states that each app-key has a limit for 300 requests per 10 seconds. It would clog up over time if I made a universal app key

Image reference:
Go into the settings module and find “Settings.AppKey” and change “App key here” to your app-key.

How to get the token:
Auth link:,write

Change the “APP-KEY” to your app-key. It should redirect you to a page looking like this:

Click allow and it should redirect you to a page looking like this:
Copy the token and go back to API settings in Roblox and go to “Settings.Token” and paste it in “Token key here”. DO NOT SHARE YOUR TOKEN WITH ANYONE. IF YOU DO SOMEONE HAS ACCESS TO YOUR TRELLO ACCOUNT

Documentation here
Plugin Documentation here
Development Trello here



He inspired me for making this.

DevForum Community

Without DevForum the API probably wouldn’t be done or wouldn’t be as efficient as it is.



Do I need to give credit to you?

It’s not required but it would be really appreciated if you left credit somewhere in your game that I made the Trello API.

Why don't some APIs have an example?

It’s either I think it would be easy to understand or I’m just lazy. It’s very likely I’m lazy

How do I report bugs?
  1. Check if the bug is purely from the API and not your script bugging out.
  2. Leave a reply on this post a screenshot of the error message and your script and the version of the API.
Will you keep updating this?

I am not planning to discontinue this project anywhere in the future. I have lots of free time on my hand so expect many updates?
School has stopped me from updating this API

Known bugs

None as of now

Upcoming features

  • More API endpoints documented
  • Minor changes to prepare for the plugins feature

Update logs

Version 1.2.0
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added Plugins
  • Added 4 new endpoints
Version 1.1.0
  • Added new API endpoints
  • Fixed bugs
  • Added enums

Final notes

I hope you use this API I made. Please give me feedback on it so I can improve further on it.

Live Version: 1.2.0


May I ask what exactly does your trello app do? I’m not a lot into trello, but it’s not that hard to get a token for personal use, you only need to follow instructions of API Introduction and visit app-key.


It allows you to send HTTPService requests to Trello. It will manage to piece together what you inputted and sending it off. It has customizable limitation and uses Roblox’s new RESTful APIs. It is opened source too with a handy module named “Service”. You can create your own APIs I am planning to add “plugins” so it is easier to implement and share modifications to the API.

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Nice job. I always love to see more and more people creating useful APIs for the public to use. :smiley:


FieryEvent was asking what your Trello App does (the one you want us to approve in order to generate a token), not what the module does.

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I’m confused on that topic. Is he asking for API features I added? Or is he asking for the use for them?
If he is asking the API features the documentation already has them.
If he is asking for what it does then it makes it easier for you to send HTTP requests to Trello. It will manage throttling limits and retrying requests.

I’m pretty sure they are referring to this, here… and not the module.

IIRC nstrike’s module didn’t have that as a requirement… so how does this make a difference?

I have no access to your token or app-key. You want your own app-key as in the Trello limitations it states that 300 requests per 10 seconds for each API key. Meaning if I were to make a single app-key that everyone would use it will slowly clog up and return many 429 errors.

(to iRex) Yes, but it seems unnecessary?

Are you asking about API key or are you asking about permissions? If so I need to them to add cards and read and comment. It’s all in the api documentation.

yes to the key. You answered above, I hadn’t seen.

I should probably add the reason why you need to get your app key in the post.

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Is it then not possible for your module to allow individuals to pass their tokens/app-keys as arguments on a case-by-case basis vs allowing your app access to their boards?

Explain? Are you trying to ask would it be better if you allowed the user to pass a token and there app-key through as an argument? If you want me to I will add this feature later in the future. I set it as you put a token and a app-key in settings then the HTTPService module will keep that data then erase the token and key in the settings module.

Nevermind, I was trying to find the correlation between image

…and your module’s functionality. Turns out it’s just a reflection of the name field here

How does this compare to nstrike’s API? Is there more you can do here?

It’s basically the same. Me and Nstrike are actually friends and talk a lot. I “helped” him with his API. He is moving his API to a more “simple” direction for new users I want to create a more “complex” alternative. I’m planning to release various more updates.

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Thats good. Will there be anything on your list to add on for the future?

If you want to know here are my plans:

  • A plugins feature. It will allow developers to edit core API parts and new API functions and share them with each other while staying up to date.
  • “Enums” Trello has a “Color” argument and it accepts some colors so adding a enum would be useful.
  • A full documented Trello API with some extras in there too (.CardAdded, .CardRemoved, .CardUpdated, .SendDataToServer)

Enums have been added.

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