Is a "puppeteer" role against the roblox rules?

Hello guys! I hope you are doing very very well! Being direct I want to add a superpower called “Puppeteer” where basically you can see other’s player’s images but with strings on his arms and legs, but I don’t know if it is against the Roblox laws, and most importantly I want to know If this draw it’s against Roblox laws so I can be sure to do not put it on a game:

Here’s the image : (if It goes against the laws just tell me quickly and I’ll ask a moderator to eliminate it, I’m doing this not on purpose but because I ain’t sure if it’s against the rules)

“Just a puppet on a lonely string”

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How exactly are strings bad? Am I missing something?

Not sure, maybe they’re just a bit violent.

I don’t think so.

Yeah, OP should be fine. Don’t have any gore or anything and you’ll be fine. :joy:

It means original poster, but both ways work fine. :slight_smile:

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Pardon my lack of intelligence. Does OP mean original post or original poster??


The phrase OP stands for original post.

It shouldn’t be, am I missing something here? If there is any type of sexual, excessively violent, or other ToS-breaking content you intended then yes, obviously, it is against the rules. Otherwise no, it seems fine.

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Ok, thanks for the information lol