Recently, when I was adding a crouch/crawl system to my game, I’ve occurred this bug
(It tilts you up, and slows you down)
Recently, when I was adding a crouch/crawl system to my game, I’ve occurred this bug
(It tilts you up, and slows you down)
could you give us more information, like a portion of the script? I don’t really understand what’s happening
The video is not available, could you give more information?
Huh? It should be. It is uploaded to youtube and it’s only unlisted.
It is simple stancing system, only problem that occours is that you tilt your legs up and look like you’re walking on your legs
The video is unavailable, can you make the video public?
Done, it should work now… I have made it public.
I Have seen the video and I think you should make some animations of the character going down if you want to make it smoother.
for an example:
anim = h:LoadAnimation() - Crouch
anim2 = h:LoadAnimation() - Going Down
wait() -- the time it takes to the character to go down
Well, yeah. I have that planned, but I don’t know how to fix the bug.
If you don’t move a small part of the legs, they will move like you are walking normally
Take an example of when you make an animation of walking, if you down move one leg in the animation the leg will walk in the regular way the roblox character will walk
I know about that. But the problem is that It tilts you up (It is because the LowerTorso’s Collisions or something)
Oh i’ve just seen that, I Think you should make a script where the lower torso collision will turn off while crawling and only when crawling else you wont move at all (I think)
It will enable itself automatically. Do you know any other way that can stop this?
To be honest I don’t know a lot about roblox characters but Maybe when you start the game you could find the script which auto enables it and try disabling it (I’m sorry if i’m not helping out)
I don’t think that it’s possible to turn it off…
Adjusted the LowerTorso’s position, and it works now.