Is it ok to do this while using UIS?

So I was practicing coding and while using User Input Service I tried something new

Instead of input, gameprocessedevent I just did a,e and it worked!

Is it ok for me to use this as a faster way for me to code in the future?

Yes, anything you put gonna work, the important is just the order you put

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Thank you very much


While faster, it will be extremely hard to debug in the future. You’ll have to remember what a, e, i, o, u, etc, mean, when you could just write “Input” which doesn’t take all that long to type. In addition to that, no one on the developer forum will be inclined to fix code when they cannot understand what any of it means. Variables & parameters should be short but descriptive and easily identifiable as to what they are and what they mean.

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Good point, Thank you!!

I think I will start using something like input and maybe event.

the name of the parameter doesn’t matter, the order does…people usually name it specific names to keep track of what the parameter does

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