Is it okay to have multiple mesh parts in my game as props, or will it be too unoptimized?

Hio! Just need to know if I can make little map props that are about 150 - 300 triangles per prop. I want to make seperate parts so I can have different colors and be able to change them in the game if I wanted to.

Here you can see my mesh with individual parts. I plan on exporting the separated parts (3 in total) in ROBLOX. Think it’ll perform okay if I put a decent few of these in my map?

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You should be fine; while you haven’t given much context information, the primary importance is on what will be seen at one time (unless you have wayyyyy too many parts in your game in general, I’m talking like tens of thousands).


Props like these would be actually preferable over normal part-form, as each meshpart asset needs to only load once, and then all its clones don’t need to load separately. You should be able to copy paste a whole lot of these with minimal to no lag repercussion.