Is it possible to filter kick reason?

Hello everyone, I’ve been working on game filter.
Players have full control of server and that’s ok, but not ok is when it comes to kicking.
People are using bad words for reason to kick players.
I was wondering if that’s possible to stop kicking function before filtering the reason.


Use TextService | Roblox Creator Documentation to filter the kick reason.

Yeah, but when you are being kicked, you can’t stop the process and you see unfiltered reason.

I wonder if it’s possible to stop proccess to filter the reason

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Not that I know of. Just filter the message before kicking them.

It has a script that checks if the filtered text is the same as the original text.

local function compare(this,toThis) --Define the function
    if this:lower() == toThis:lower() then --If the two strings are exact, meaning unfiltered.
        return true --Return true
        return false --Return False

local unFiltered = "Hi guis il ieme me"
local filtered = game:GetService("Chat"):FilterStringForBroadcast(unFiltered,game.Players.LocalPlayer) --Filter the text

if compare(filtered,unFiltered) then --Call the function, which returns true or false 
    print("NOT FILTERED!")

Edit: This game seems very interesting, what is it about exactly?

Like, people execute their scripts and they don’t care about the reason.

You’ll have to use TextService | Roblox Creator Documentation.

  1. Filter the reason (string).
  2. Kick them with the filtered reason (string)

If your game is a script executor, you can always search the string for a Player:Kick() method, and then replace the string inside with a filtered one.