Is it smart to check if player has enough money to buy item in shop with local script?

The biggest fear for my game is that someone will exploit the money system. Currently my script that checks if the player has enough money to buy an item is a local script. Is that a good thing to do? I keep hearing the saying never trust the client side. I don’t understand what that means but I suspect it has something to do with local scripts.

I also kind of replaced remote function and events by using values instead to trigger things. Is that a good idea?

If this script is a bad idea how else could I implement a money system?

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Just handle the Money Check on the Server-Side instead using a RemoteEvent to send from the client to the server, that way it’ll be secured


Yes, if you run checks on the client side, it WILL be exploited. It’s a common saying that you should never trust the client, and it’s for a reason. Always run important checks on the server, that way it can’t be exploited (at least not as easily).


Ok, thanks for the responses! I would mark both as solutions if dev forms allowed it!

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