Is my first model cool?

I am a Builder but it took me a lot of time to make games…
So I decided to be a UGC Creator.
I am learning how to use blender, so at the moment I used parts that roblox has. [Any Feedback will help]
Please tell me if you like what I made so I could continue making and get accepted as a UGC Creator <3

I know it isn’t the best, and the colours are a bit bad because I made a mistake…
Hope you liked it!


From a first glance, your hat is nice however the white band is a little too large and doesn’t wrap around the hat. Its also very difficult to say how nice it looks on a player seeming as its way too large.

I would definately thin out the band.

Also psst. Your already in Devforum or else you couldn’t post in here :eyes: :confetti_ball:

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The main shape looks pretty cool but as @6Clu said you can make the lot more smaller and the white band.

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Yes I know,I did that just so you cam check the hat better, If you can see, Behind the hat, There is a dummy with that! :heart:

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To me, the band looks sort of tilted and not straight. The whole hat looks a bit slanted in a way. However, I love the design of the top hat. Just one thing i would improve is the straighten the hat out a bit. Its awesome that you are learning how to use blender because it is very vital to know how to use it if you want to be a good builder.

One more thing is that it is very hard to become a UGC creator because Roblox doesn’t accept random people into the program that don’t have enough experience in creating hats. Most people in UGC are known developers that are trusted by Roblox. Most UGC hats are made in blender and if you want to be a UGC creator I recommend you become good at blender.

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I recommend try flattening the white band and making the hat smaller. :eyes:

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Omg what a shame, please someone flag this topic, I am shamed!