Is reading how much robux a client has a locked API?

It’s a suggestive purchases system specifically designed to evade a player having to buy robux in advance to make a purchase.

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I think the idea is to have all consumables readily available, but sorting promotional products on a best bang for your buck type scale. It’s more about user experience AFAICT.

I guess. I doubt this function will be unlocked though.

Your time is better spent on actual game features, methinks. Don’t waste your time trying to market to less than 1% of users.


I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before, lol.
I do agree with most people on here though, this shouldn’t exist as it will be abused. You could still check their rap, but that’ll just encourage people to play on alts if you’ll price them more. I do see this useful for what you say, as in suggesting purchases according to their wealth.
If developers had any way of knowing the exact amount of robux a player has, this could really help scammers.

You can use other methods. Such as AccountAge, to push more expensive products. You can also take into account how much a user has already spent in your game.


Good approach, I took this into account

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I wouldn’t rely on AccountAge. Plenty of accounts which have been around for some time, which are flat out broke, while new accounts could have easily purchased quite a bit of robux.

Just base it off BCMembershipType. The likely hood of ROBLOX unlocking this method is slim, and although not precise, BC memberships can be used to judge wealth based on profile stats + daily robux. If you want to get complex, have a system which checks their place visits or something and try to make an average off that. It’s not going to be the best in accuracy, but you can have an general idea of what the players finianical situation is like in terms of robux

Why not, instead of trying to push the wealthiest vips on the wealthiest users, just consistently push the next highest in order.

So, if a player has never bought anything, propose the first VIP to them.
If they’ve bought the first VIP, propose the second highest. And so on.

If you’re doing dev products, like currency purchase. Continuously propose the next highest currency purchase. I imagine you can probably track their purchases right? So, if they plateau, (consistently buy like the 3rd level for example) only offer them that amount of currency purchase over and over.