Is the hammer I made decent?

Originally I was thinking of making a hammer, then a big hammer, and then I made this:
All modeled in blender. I appreciate feedback on what I could improve. There isn’t really any reference as I made this from my imagination and for practice. Only problem is that I am not sure how to make the bottom part of the handle flat instead of it sticking out.

Edit 1: I found a way to flatten that end by dissolving the faces but I am not sure if that is the best way to do it.


It looks good and the hammer reminds me of Mjollnir the hammer of the thunder god xd


Nice hammer! I really like it.


In Blender, you can grab that square face that’s on the bottom, press G, and then Z and you can then move it to make it a little flatter.

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Nice hammer but it could use a little bevel or some details to make it not so flat. Also for the bottom what I would do is select all of the faces and press S - Z - 0.

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It looks nice, but blender wise it’s not the best, this is something I could remake in studio to be more detailed with relative ease, maybe try model some extra details like, a grip or something.

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