The article describes anchoring an object sets it back to Auto, as in server autoassignable to players. But solution one sets the ownership to nil so that players cannot possess it like locked to server. So it seems they are different, but nothing is documented about how to :SetNetworkOwnership(auto). And leaving blank says the default is nil (server only not auto) so that given, is there even a difference?
Iām pretty sure auto will make it so that, it will be pick the closest player to the part to assign networkownership to, whereas setting it to nil means it cannot be autoassigned and stays network owned by the server
Okay, yeah, but then how can I manually set auto?
No, the basic API Docs says that is equivalent to BasePart:SetNetworkOwnershipAuto(nil).
Shows that the owner does not change, so therefore it will always stay as server when set to nil

This means that the owner cannot be grabbed by a player now unless done by the server explicitly
This implies that it will be automatic ownership
Source: Network Ownership
This is unfortunate as serverExclusive is probably only then obtained by spamming the nil call/unobtainable
Not true, when you set the networkowner explicitly through SetNetworkOwner, for the network owner to then be set automatically, you need to call SetNetworkOwnershipAuto
Oh I just realized they are different functions huh thx
(though in practice, Server ownership can still be effected by players, but a little more resistant due to sharedOwnership inboard practices)