Is there a way to disable this?

In ROBLOX, if the player is falling, the speed of the player falling will only increase non-stop until they reached the surface.
I want to change it so they always fall Gravity studs.
Is there a way to do so?

When state changes to falling add a anti gravity force

--antigrav here is a vectorForce with attachment on body
--and the body only has a rootpart. everything else could be made to be massless

local root = body.HumanoidRootPart
local antigrav = root:WaitForChild("AntiGrav")

antigrav.Force =, game.Workspace.Gravity, 0) * root:GetMass()

to cause them to float then add a downward velocity at the speed you want.
Might cause problems if the speed tries to push them passed the ground?
Worth a try.

Thank you for your method, I did it with my own version using BodyForce and setting the gravity to 0.

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You’re welcome. Good luck. :slight_smile: