Is there any way to get this effect in a textlabel?

I see a video of someone named “Guinxu” i really like the money effect that he put in his game. so i want to know if there is any way or function to remake this into roblox. i look into google but didn’t found a result.

here is what i want to remake:

thanks for reading!

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It’s pretty simple actually. You’ve just gotta use for loops

local cashEndAmount = 50
for i =  0, cashEndAmount, 1 do -- basically the 0 is just the starting amount, you can change this to whatever. the cashEndAmount is the amount of cash that you want it to end with and i is how many it's adding 
wait() -- put however how much time you want in here, the longer it is the slower it's going to add.
TextLabelLocation.Text = i

Yeah this is a good function but what about if cashEndAmout is a bigger number like 1000 i test it and it tooks a lot of time until it get the cashEndAmount :confused:

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you could change the increment (the value that has the 1) to something like 2,5, or 10. Or really anything for that matter.

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Thanks you now it works! :slightly_smiling_face:

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