Is there something wrong with my System message script?

I thought I did everything correctly, but something appears to be wrong. Nothing in output.

local function send(msg)

game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
Text = tips;
Color = Color3.fromRGB(102, 0, 255);
Font = Enum.Font.GothamBlack


local tips = {
“Remember to join our group and Discord!”,
“You can view scheduled flights in the AA Flight Planner.”,
“Remember to abide by the rules!”,
“If you’re looking for a job position, join our group!”

while true do
send(tips[math.random(1, #tips)])

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I think you meant…

Text = msg;

Still doesn’t seem to work.


Change the wait(math.random(200)) to something like 1, to see if the actual message shows up, without waiting up to a maximum of 200 seconds…

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Still doesnt work. Is the localscript supposed to be in StarterPlayerScripts?

It looks like you could be using unrecognized quotation marks in your array—try replacing it with this:

local tips = {
	"Remember to join our group and Discord!",
	"You can view scheduled flights in the AA Flight Planner.",
	"Remember to abide by the rules!",
	"If you’re looking for a job position, join our group!"

This code can only run on the client @Araknala.

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Worked, thanks!
