I’ve been trying to find better/cleaner options to write my code and I just found out about a way for sending data but I’m not sure how efficient it is. At the moment it seems like it’ll work well, but yeah I’m not too knowledgable with metatables so perhaps this is a horrible idea in the long run. (to maintian and for performance)
-- Server
function Player.new(player, userId)
local self = {}
--TODO: Probably have some kind of initial data to send when we create a new player
local player = player
local userId = userId
local hero = nil -- probably want to have our own version of hero to access so we dont accidentally send data to the client
local replicatedData = {} -- anything changed in here will be sent to the client
local mt = {
__newindex = function(table, key, value)
remotes.SendData:FireClient(player, {key, value})
function self.setHero(heroName)
hero = require(sharedModules.Heroes[heroName]).new()
replicatedData.hero = sharedModules.Heroes[heroName] -- can't send the table so instead just send the path to the module to make requiring it easy
setmetatable(replicatedData, mt)
return self
-- Client
function Client.new()
local self = {}
local hero = nil
self.player = Player.new(self)
self.input = Input.new(self)
local function onDataReceived(data)
local key = data[1]
local value = data[2]
if key == "hero" then
hero = require(value).new()
hero.onSelected() -- runs setup code (animations, cosmetics, etc)
function self.getHero()
return hero
return self