Is this calculation correct (Force Required to Overcome Friction)

I think it may be right I’m solving for the Force Required to Overcome Friction I want to know if it is right or not if not tell me how and the solution please

local Part = workspace.Part
local BodyThrust = Part.BodyThrust

local Mass = Part:GetMass()
local Weight = Mass * workspace.Gravity
local Friction  = .5

local NormalForce = Mass * workspace.Gravity
local Force = .5 * NormalForce
BodyThrust.Force =, 0, 0)

You haven’t even added any calculations or scripts–

Done tell me if it is right and the fix. Also link any articles on how can I apply friction to objects with no friction

Any answers would be helpfulll

One thing, you have two variables that store the same thing - Weight and NormalForce, you should only need one since they are the same.

Other than that, you need to know a lot more about the system to solve for friction - is the part on an inclined plane? Is it in motion or is it at rest? What shape is the object? and other things like that. If you want to look more into it, I would suggest looking into how to solve for static friction - this should tell you how to solve for the force needed to get an object in rest to start moving.

Hope this helps

Hi. Can someone improve on this script?

local Part = workspace.Part
local BodyThrust = Part.BodyThrust

local Mass = Part:GetMass()

local Weight = Mass * workspace.Gravity * (math.sin(Part.Orientation.X))  -- gotta consider if it's inclined
local FrictionForce = Part.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction * Weight --  

local DirectionalForce = Mass * (HowFastDoYouWantIt) * LookVector

local ForceNeeded = -(FrictionForce)  +  DirectionalForce
BodyThrust.Force = Part.LookVector * FrictionForce

Anyone build on it.

I did my part.

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That is solving for static friction have you any resources on what you mentioned youtube etc?

An explanation of what you modified and how you achieved it would be more your part and you yourself can build on it