Island Restaurant Interviews
Island Restaurant uses this official guide for interviews in order to keep a consistent system as well as a fair one. Below, is the guide for interviews.
- H = Host
- CH = Co-Host
- I = Interviewer
Setting a session up
To host an Interview Session, use the required format for announcing the session.
Discord Announcement
Info: An interview session is being hosted at the interview center. Guests can come to be interviewed for a job. @here
Group Shout & Main Game Announcement
Interviews are currently being hosted by (name) at (time)! Be sure to come down to the interview session to get a job!
At the cafe, use the :m command. On the group shout, just say the blurb.
The Session
:countdown 60
At the end of the countdown, say :slock Session Started.
H | :m Welcome to this interview session hosted by (name)! Today, you will be interviewing to work at Island Restaurant!
H | :m We want to get this session started, so we will begin now by reading you our session rules!
H | :m When you first joined this game, our community guidelines appeared on your screen, and you clicked accept. Everything there applies during this session.
H | :m At this session, you are required to remain polite, refrain from trolling, and follow ALL Roblox rules.
H | :m Breaking any rules will get you banned from this session, and breaking any major rules, may get you permanently banned from our games.
H | :m At your interview, basic grammar is required, but we will not count your answer as wrong unless there is a major grammar mistake or other type.
H | :m You have a maximum of III (3) minutes when answering a question. At this time, I ask that you ask any questions now. Please say PTS, then a helper will come. At the end of the countdown, we will begin.
:countdown 30
H | :m We will now begin. Interviewers, please go to an office, wait to start.
H | :m Please stand up in front of your chair. We will TP you to your office soon. At this time, no speaking. You may begin when ready.
:jump all | Tp people one by one to an office.
Interviewer Questions
I | Why do you want to work here?
I | What makes you a good fit for this job?
I | What is a proper greeting?
I | What experience do you have with positions like this?
I | Why should I choose you over others?
I | Sum up some of the qualities you have that will help you succeed here.
Say :chatlogs and review the answers, if they have more then III wrong they failed. If not, they passed. Note, grammar isn’t required.
If failed: Sorry, you have failed this session. Would you like to know why?
If passed: Congrats! You passed! Please wait while the host ranks you!
If passed, call the host before kicking.
If failed, do… :kick (name) Failed, try again during the next hosted session.
If passed, do… :kick (name) Passed and ranked.
This is the end of the guide. Good luck at your session!